NGU Dance School Child Protection Policy 

1. Introduction 

NGU Dance School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its students. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that every child who attends our dance school is safe and protected from harm. All staff, volunteers, and students are expected to adhere to this policy. 

2. Policy Statement 

NGU Dance School believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind. We recognize our responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe. We are committed to providing a secure environment where students can learn and develop. 

3. Scope 

This policy applies to all staff, including teachers, administrative staff, volunteers, and anyone working on behalf of NGU Dance School. It covers all activities organized by or associated with the dance school. 

4. Definitions 

 **Child:** Any person under the age of 18. 

 **Abuse:** Any form of physical, emotional, sexual abuse, or neglect. 

5. Aims 

-To ensure that children are listened to, valued, and respected. 

- To ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities in identifying and reporting concerns about a child's safety and welfare. 

- To provide clear procedures for staff to follow when they have concerns about a child's safety and welfare. 


6. Procedures 

6.1 Recruitment and Training 

- All staff and volunteers will undergo appropriate background checks, including DBS checks where applicable. 

6.2 Reporting Concerns 

- Any staff member or volunteer who has concerns about a child's welfare must report their concerns to the designated safeguarding officer (DSO) immediately. 

- The DSO for NGU Dance School is Nina Gorman 

- If the DSO is unavailable, concerns should be reported to the deputy safeguarding officer George Hicks 

6.3 Responding to Disclosures 

- If a child discloses that they are being abused, the staff member should: 

  - Listen carefully without interrupting. 

  - Reassure the child that they have done the right thing by telling someone. 

  - Not promise confidentiality, but explain that they will need to tell someone who can help. 

  - Record the disclosure as accurately as possible and report it to the DSO immediately. 

6.4 Record Keeping 

- All concerns, discussions, and decisions made and the reasons for those decisions should be recorded in writing. 

- Records should be kept confidential and stored securely. 

6.5 Confidentiality 

- Information about a child protection concern will be shared on a need-to-know basis only. 

- All staff and volunteers must be aware that they have a professional responsibility to share information with other agencies in order to safeguard children. 


 7. Code of Conduct 

- Staff and volunteers must always act in a professional manner and set a good example for children. 

- Physical contact with children should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the child's learning. 

- Staff and volunteers must avoid being alone with a child where possible and ensure that interactions are open and visible to others. 


8. Monitoring and Review 

- This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure it remains effective and up-to-date. 

- Any changes to the policy will be communicated to all staff and volunteers. 


9. Contact Information 

- **Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO):** [Nina Gorman, 07894549489,] 

- **Deputy Safeguarding Officer:** [George Hicks, 07552230873,] 

- **Local Authority Child Protection Contact:** [if immediate concern call 999, if you are worried about the safety or wellbeing of a child  contact Essex County Council  0345 603 7267 out of hours 0345 606 1212 

NGU Dance School is dedicated to creating a safe and positive environment for all students. We expect all staff, volunteers, and visitors to share this commitment.